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Старый 09.09.2010, 12:39   #91
The Dreams Destroyer
Аватар для Excalibur
Регистрация: 01.03.2010
Имя: Алексей
Откуда: Железнодорожный
Автомобиль: Koleos DC 2.5CVT, SX4 AT4 4WD
Возраст: 54
Сообщений: 4,737
Благодарности: 2,930/1,077
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во когда это уже обсудили ))))))))))
Dr Bill Deagle - the Gulf Stream has stopped : Other Mysteries
до нас только докатилось
кстати, в обсуждении затрагивается вопрос об "Иллюминати"

This will cause a realignment to match the earth above...but not a painful one. They are managing it. And the only problem is the Illumanati/Bilderberg, associated PTB interferring to try and cause fear and panic. A good example is the 13 foot recorded (per day) rise in water....we should have already had sever flooding. Or the fact that the convayor stopped *gulf stream* and yet the expected storms are not present. Keep very calm and centered. Your Families are right above you, just out of eyesight, and they are bringing you UP to them, not coming down here to you. This is how the captive Earth will be freed from Lilith/Inanna and Enki/Satan who are the Invading race, and the last entrenched group to get to. The others are dealt with. It is their hold on media and news and behaviors of their implanted subjects like the CIA, and other groups, that are trying to create fear. The Snake Families, like in the Matrix, found a way to hook up apparatus that literally runs on the Energy the human being produces during Fear, Anger, Violence. Staying Calm is the way to 'unplug' their use of you, and make sure you don't aid and abet the enemy. There will be no cataclysm. Those cycles were created by Set and his group and those are now being dismantled.
но это уже скорее в тему "Родина"
"не мир пришел Я принести, но меч" (с) от Матфея 10.34
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